Sunday, July 7, 2013

Week of July 1

What did I learn about myself?  

  • I learned that I can put my mind to whatever I want. I also learned that I am very good at following instructions and getting tasks completed. I also learned that I am a very good co-worker as well as a team leader. People love working with me because I do not "play" around, I get the job done and I get it done the right way. 

About others? 

  • I have learned that not that many people are like me. A lot of people like to take things easy and take their sweet time doing a project. By that, I mean that they will take a project that should only take 30 minutes and they will stretch it out to make it a 5 hour project. But then you have the people that like working and like doing the job when it is needed. Those are the type of people that I like working with.

About the world around me?

  • I have noticed that not everything will go my way so I have to make an adjustment and make sure I am ready for whatever is thrown my way. I have also learned that a lot of people like to slack off during work, and I understand that you can't work all 8 hours in a publishing company but certain people gossip non stop about nonsense and it is really annoying when it is going on right in front of your cubicle. Some people need to learn that there are certain times and places for gossip and every work hour is definitely not it. 
Special Event/ Situation #1

Nothing special went on this week. It was a short week since we had July 4th off. Just worked on the same projects I was working on last week as well I am attempting to finish up my big project for a Spanish class in Prince George's Community College